Scenic City HBCU 5k Run and Walk - Cancelled in Chattanooga, TN - Donate | ITS YOUR RACE

Scenic City HBCU 5k Run and Walk - Cancelled

Chattanooga, TN


Chattanooga Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

We are dedicated to the principle of “Achievement in every field of human endeavor” and continue to build on our founders’ visions of recruitment, retention, reclamation, fellowship, spirit of brotherhood and advocacy for youth through our Guide Right Program.  We also provide oversight to Lambda Iota, the undergraduate Chapter at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
The Chattanooga Alumni Chapter established the Kappa Foundation of Chattanooga in 2004.  The Kappa Foundation of Chattanooga is a 501©3 organization that supports programs from our fundraising activities. The Foundation has a rich history of community service through the Minority Health Fair, John. P. Franklin, Sr. Educational Scholarship, Boys Leadership Summit, and other community service programs, such as Thanksgiving Baskets, Voter registration drives, Christmas gifts, etc. We share these programs with Guide Right, our Fraternity’s Youth National Service Program and the Lambda Iota Chapter.As a part of Guide Right, we award scholarships to Kappa Leadership League high school seniors and have a Debonair every other year. The annual New Year’s Eve party is a Kappa Foundation sponsored event for the community.
We are currently renovating our Fraternity House, which is 95 years old and has served as a meeting place for us and other community groups, and was once a dominority for a Black college (Zion College).  Our monthly meetings are held every second Sunday of the Month at 4 pm.  We welcome you to join our Chapter and we look forward to meeting you at one our Fraternity Meetings or Community Events.
We appreciate the continued support of the Chattanooga community and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. over the years. If you are interested in learning more about our Chapter or events, please continue to visit our website.
Charles S. Foreman Jr. MD


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